
About me

I was born in a conservative Castilian city and literally abducted by its bishopric, ever since a French warrior bishop took it from the Arabs. The sandstone of different shades is the essence of the old Castilian character of the city.  In its most glorious times it had an active Jewish community, which, as is the tradition of this people, were dedicated to finance, commerce, manufacturing and art.  What distanced them from their rude neighbors, busy with farming, raising sheep and bullfights at local festivals. Except for themselves, the numerous clergy and the administrators and officials of the City Council, the vast majority were illiterate.  We all received our first communion in the most feverish of possible religious environments, in which the population turned all its repressed senses into spectacular processions and a vast offer of religious-recreational shows. We high school graduates had to attend bishopric schools and the public schools were for those from the poor neighbo
Jaime Despree eDemocracia para indignados La democracia sin partidos políticos ENSAYO/POLÍTICA © Jaime Despree Primera edición: Mayo de 2018